Universitas Gunadarma

Universitas Gunadarma

Minggu, 16 April 2017


Common Verb and Preposition Combinations
Verbs and prepositions are also used in common phrases. The verb generally goes in front of the preposition.

Do you agree to the new guidelines?

You get what you pay for.

It’s easy to fall in love with big, silly dogs.

I have no doubt about the outcome of the vote.

He delights in telling jokes about Texas and Texans.

That remark was in bad taste and I don’t intend to reply to it!

Miller is substituting for Brown in tomorrow’s game.

Common Adjective and Preposition Combinations
Adjectives and prepositions are commonly used in phrases. The adjective usually goes before the preposition.

He was found guilty of fraud and tax evasion.

Students often get worried about writing exams.

Mary won’t have children; she is in love with her black lab.

The world felt sorry for the victims of the tsunami.

Jamila is good at songwriting and painting.

There are many health risks associated with smoking.

Chocolate and red wine are actually good for your heart!


A preposition is used to link noun, pronouns and phrases to other words in a sentence. The word or phrase that the preposition introduces is called the object of the preposition. A preposition is used to indicate the temporal, spatial or logical relationship of its object to the rest of the sentence. Here are some examples:

The pencil is ON the desk.
The pencil is BENEATH the desk.
The pencil is leaning AGAINST the desk.
The pencil is on the floor BESIDE the desk.
He held the pencil OVER the desk.
He wrote with the pencil DURING class.

You may have noticed that in each of the preceding sentences, the preposition located the noun "pencil" in space or in time.

Here are some general rules regarding prepositions:

• It is permissible to end a sentence with a preposition.
• A preposition is followed by a noun.
• A preposition is never followed by a verb.
• It is permissible to begin a sentence with a preposition, or a prepositional phrase, but be very careful when you do so.*
• A prepositional phrase always begins with a preposition and ends with a noun or pronoun called the OBJECT of the preposition.
• The subject of the sentence can never be part of a prepositional phrase.
• A verb can never be a part of a prepositional phrase.

There is a so-called “rule” about never ending a sentence with a preposition and it comes from Latin grammar. In Latin grammar, the word order of a sentence didn't matter; subjects and verbs and direct objects could appear in any sequence. However, the placement of prepositions was very important. A Latin sentence would quickly become confusing if the preposition did not appear immediately before the object of the preposition, so it became a stylistic rule for Latin writers to have objects always and immediately following prepositions. This Latin grammar "rule" meant that a sentence would never end with a preposition.

When English grammarians in the 1500s and 1600s starting writing grammar books, they tended to apply Latin rules to English, even though those rules had never been applicable before. I believe that they wanted to make English a more scholarly language, like Latin.

Here is a list of some prepositions:

* This is a “rule” that been questioned for many years. Many writers actually do start sentences with prepositions and many college professors have no problems with it. The reason for the “rule” was that a preposition usually indicates the temporal, spatial or logical relationship of its object to the rest of the sentence. Therefore if you start a sentence with a preposition it can appear that you are in the middle of a sentence or thought. If you are careful however, you can start a sentence with a prepostion. The problem is that most people are not careful. Here is an example of a sentence that starts with a prepostition that works: Before going to the store, I always check my list. Many people use prepositions incorrectly at the beginning of a sentence, therefore, the “rule” came to be. You can think of it as more of a “suggestion” than a rule. When you are writing a paper for a school project, it is safer to use the rule.

There is a right way and a wrong way to start a sentence with a preposition. Many authors and writers start some of their sentences with prepositions and it works very well for them. You simply have to be careful when starting a sentence with a prepostion, that the sentence does not become fragmented as a reuslt.

Here is an example with the preposition up.
Correct usage: We ran up the hill.
Incorrect: Up the hill we ran.

Here is an example with the preposition over.
Correct: The rabbit jumped over the log.
incorrect: Over the log the rabbit jumped.

Here is an example with the preposition aboard.
Correct: We got aboard the train to ride down to San Diego.
Incorrect: Aboard the train we got to ride down to San Diego.

Examples of prepositions at the beginning of a sentence:

Despite the rain, we still went jogging.
Barring any setbacks, the quarterback will play in the next game.
In spite of all the harm it causes, people still smoke cigarettes.

Remember that prepositions are connecting words and are generally used to connect a noun or pronoun to another word in a sentence.

Beware of the phrase “in terms of” and do not use it. This phrase is a sloppy use of prepositions that should be avoided. Strunk & White, in their book The Elements of Style recommend that this phrase not be used used. They give this example: The job was unattractive in terms of salary. Instead use: The salary made the job unattractive.

Minggu, 26 Maret 2017


example :

·         Than, Then

-          Than
(Maia more beautiful than her sister)
-          Then
(I will move to germany and then will continue my studies)
·         Can , may
-          Can
(They can run fast)
-          May
(may I play into your home?)

example :

·         Remind, Remember
-          Remind
(Remind me to attend a meeting tomorrow)
-          Remember
(I remember going to return the books)

·         Shut, Closed

-           Shut
(PT. RSTUV has been shut)
-          Closed
(The production house has closed)

Rabu, 08 Februari 2017

Inquiry Letter

The meaning of inquiry letter
Inquiry letter is a letters that are written for collecting information about job seekers, prices, products, and services before awarding jobs, granting credit, making contracts and giving promotions are known as letters of inquiry. These letters are written to a third party seeking information about either a job or a company that wishes to make business relationship.
Prospective employers and business organizations usually write inquiry letters for obtaining desired information. Prospective employers write this letter to the referees mentioned in the job application to obtain information about the applicant’s personal and family background, ability, skills, honesty, character, integrity, quality of performance, fitness for job etc. on the other hand, business enterprises write inquiry letters to third parties referred by the customers to know about their business dealings, financial capabilities and goodwill to determine whether to establish business relationships with those enterprises.

Types of inquiry letter
Based on purpose, there are two most common types of inquiry letters such as (1) personal status inquiry letter and (2) business status inquiry letter.
§  Personal status inquiry letter: The letters that are written by prospective employers for obtaining information about job applicants are called personal status inquiry letter. Employers write this letter to obtain information relating to the applicant’s personal and family background, ability, skills, honesty, character, integrity, quality of performance, fitness for job etc. generally this letter is written to the referees mentioned by the concerned applicant. In response to this letter, the referees write a reply letter to the employer. This response letter may be favorable, unfavorable or neutral to the applicant.
§  Business status inquiry letter: When a business enterprise writes letter to another business enterprise for collecting information about a prospective customer, it is known as business status inquiry letter. This letter is usually written for collecting information about financial capability, goodwill, nature of business dealings, honesty etc. of a business enterprise to determine whether to establish business transactions with it. Responses of this letter may be either favorable or unfavorable.

Why to Write a Letter of Inquiry
A letter of inquiry is a good way to connect with a company.
Because the letter is unsolicited, sending it shows that you're proactive, and have a genuine interest in the company. As well as inquiring about open or upcoming positions, a letter of inquiry can also be used to set up an information interview with human resources or higher level employees.
While the company may not be hiring currently, or may not have a job posted that is appropriate for you, a letter of inquiry will help you be on the company's radar when opportunities that are suitable for you arise.
Finding a Contact
It's best to be able to address your letter of inquiry to someone specific, rather than having a generic greeting such as "Dear Sir or Madam" or "To Whom It May Concern." Check with your friends, family, and network to see if you know anyone at the company.
LinkedIn can be helpful for tracking down connections, as well as providing you with a communication method. See more tips for how to find contacts at a company.
You can send a letter of inquiry to people in the human resources department, or to manager-level contact in the department you'd ideally like to work in.
What to Include in Your Job Inquiry Letter
Inquiry letters should contain information on why the company interests you, and how and why your skills and experience would be an asset to the company.
Politeness and brevity are key when it comes to writing a letter of inquiry — remember, you're aiming to make a good impression, and show that you'd be an asset to the company. Follow the same tone and guidelines you'd use if you were writing a cover letter for an advertised job.
Unlike a cover letter, you can't use the job description to determine which qualifications and experience to highlight. Instead, emphasize how your skills and experience would be helpful to the company overall. Use the letter of inquiry to sell yourself, putting a spotlight on the strengths you'd offer the company, and why the company's mission and goals appeal to you.
How to Send a Job Inquiry Letter
Inquiry letters can be sent via mail or email. However, because you are asking about employment opportunities with a company rather than for a specific job opening, a mailed paper letter can make a much better impression than an email message which may not be opened or read.

Example of inquiry letter

Street Ujung Harapan Raya No. 57

oct 14, 2016
Street KrakatauBlok A7 No.43

Dear Sir or Madam,
We saw your product at International Design of Shoes Fair in Mega Bekasi on 1 oct 2016 and made interested us.
Please send types of sample, the terms and catalogue of the shoes. If the cost is low and the types of sample are interesting, we will order your product.
We are looking forward to receiving your reply soon.

Your Sincerely,
Purchasing Manager

Aprilla putrikasari

Bentuk-Bentuk Surat

Bentuk surat adalah pola surat menurut susunan letak dan bagian – bagian surat. Bentuk-bentuk surat biasanya selalu dipakai dalam kedinasan atau pekerjaan atau juga keorganisasian. Selain itu bentuk-bentuk surat biasanya memiliki bentuk susunan atau bentuk struktur yang berbeda dengan bentuk surat yang lainnya.
Menurut pola umum dalam surat – menyurat dikenal 5 macam bentuk surat,yaitu :
1.      Bentuk lurus penuh (full block style), yaitu bentuk surat yang penulisannya semua dimulai dari pinggir sebelah kiri. artinya, mulai dari tanggal, kata penutup sampai kata lampiran yang ditulis di sebelah bawah penulisannya dimulai dari kiri.

Format Surat:

Bagian-bagian surat dari Bentuk Lurus Penuh (Full Block Style) :
1. Kop Surat
2. Tanggal dibuatnya surat
3. Nomor Surat
4. Lampiran
5. Hal
6. Surat yang di tujukan
7. Salam Pembukaan
8a. Pendahuluan isi surat
8b. Penjelasan isi surat
8c. Penutup isi surat
9. Salam Penutup
10. Nama jabatan
11. Tanda Tangan
12. Nama yang mendatangani
13. Tembusan
14. Halaman lampiran surat/Inisial


Bandung, 05 Maret 2009
PT. Indo Karya
Jalan Cikapundung
Tuan-tuan yang terhormat,
Menurut pesaanan Tuan tanggal 21 Februari 2009 dengan gembira kami kabarkan, bahwa hari ini telah kami kirimkan 15.000 buah bumbu makanan. Bersama dengan ini kami sampaikan faktur dan daftar pengiriman barang, masing-masing rangkap dua, pelunasan sisa harga barang kami harapkan paling lama tanggal 10 Maret 2009.
Atas perhatian Tuan kami ucapkan terimakasih.
Hormat kami,
PT. Indo Karya
Rani Ratnaningsih
2.Bentuk lurus (block style), pada dasarnya sama dengan surat bentuk lurus penuh, perbedaannya terletak pada penempatan tanggal, salam penutup, nama instansi, nama terang dan nama jabatan yang ditullis disebelah kanan surat.
Format surat :

Bagian-bagian surat dari Bentuk Lurus (Block Style atau Modified Block Style) :
1. Kop Surat
2. Tanggal dibuatnya surat
3. Nomor Surat
4. Lampiran
5. Hal
6. Surat yang di tujukan
7. Salam Pembukaan
8a. Pendahuluan isi surat
8b. Penjelasan isi surat
8c. Penutup isi surat
9. Salam Penutup
10. Nama jabatan
11. Tanda Tangan
12. Nama yang mendatangani
13. Tembusan
14. Halaman lampiran surat/Inisial


Banten, 5 Maret 2009

Kepada Yth.
Segenap Nasabah Giro
PT BANK Danamon
Cabang Garut
Dengan hormat,
Dengan ini kami beritahukan, bahwa terhitung mulai tanggal 12 Mei 2009, Bank BCA Cabang Garut akan memberikan nama dan alamat penarik pada bagian belakang lembaran cek dan giro bilyet.
Untuk pelaksanaan tersebut permintaan buku cel dan buku giro bilyet baru dapat kami layani satu hari setelah pengajuan permintaan buku cek/ giro bilyet baru.
Demikianlah agar diketahui, atas perhatian serta kerjasama yang baik kami ucapkan terima kasih.

Hormat kami,
PT Bank Danamon
Drs. Suwarno

3. Bentuk setengah lurus (semi block style), sebenarnya sama dengan bentuk surat lurus, perbedaannya terletak pada penulisan isi surat dan tiap alinea baru menjoraok (masuk ke dalam). pada praktiknya, surat dengan bentuk ini banyak dipergunakan oleh perusahaan.
Format surat :

Bentuk surat adalah pola surat menurut susunan letak dan bagian – bagian surat. Bentuk-bentuk surat biasanya selalu dipakai dalam kedinasan atau pekerjaan atau juga keorganisasian. Selain itu bentuk-bentuk surat biasanya memiliki bentuk susunan atau bentuk struktur yang berbeda dengan bentuk surat yang lainnya.
Menurut pola umum dalam surat – menyurat dikenal 5 macam bentuk surat,yaitu :
1.      Bentuk lurus penuh (full block style), yaitu bentuk surat yang penulisannya semua dimulai dari pinggir sebelah kiri. artinya, mulai dari tanggal, kata penutup sampai kata lampiran yang ditulis di sebelah bawah penulisannya dimulai dari kiri.
Format Surat:

Bagian-bagian surat dari Bentuk Lurus Penuh (Full Block Style) :
1. Kop Surat
2. Tanggal dibuatnya surat
3. Nomor Surat
4. Lampiran
5. Hal
6. Surat yang di tujukan
7. Salam Pembukaan
8a. Pendahuluan isi surat
8b. Penjelasan isi surat
8c. Penutup isi surat
9. Salam Penutup
10. Nama jabatan
11. Tanda Tangan
12. Nama yang mendatangani
13. Tembusan
14. Halaman lampiran surat/Inisial


Bandung, 05 Maret 2009
PT. Indo Karya
Jalan Cikapundung
Tuan-tuan yang terhormat,
Menurut pesaanan Tuan tanggal 21 Februari 2009 dengan gembira kami kabarkan, bahwa hari ini telah kami kirimkan 15.000 buah bumbu makanan. Bersama dengan ini kami sampaikan faktur dan daftar pengiriman barang, masing-masing rangkap dua, pelunasan sisa harga barang kami harapkan paling lama tanggal 10 Maret 2009.
Atas perhatian Tuan kami ucapkan terimakasih.
Hormat kami,
PT. Indo Karya
Rani Ratnaningsih
2.Bentuk lurus (block style), pada dasarnya sama dengan surat bentuk lurus penuh, perbedaannya terletak pada penempatan tanggal, salam penutup, nama instansi, nama terang dan nama jabatan yang ditullis disebelah kanan surat.
Format surat :

Bagian-bagian surat dari Bentuk Setengah Lurus (Semi Block Style) :
1. Kop Surat
2. Tanggal dibuatnya surat
3. Nomor Surat
4. Lampiran
5. Hal
6. Surat yang di tujukan
7. Salam Pembukaan
8a. Pendahuluan isi surat
8b. Penjelasan isi surat
8c. Penutup isi surat
9. Salam Penutup
10. Nama jabatan
11. Tanda Tangan
12. Nama yang mendatangani
13. Tembusan
14. Halaman lampiran surat/Inisial


Surakarta, 21 Maret 2009

Kepada Perusahaan Mesin Offset
Jalan Imam Bonjol 115
Dengan hormat
Dengan gembira kami kabarkan kepada tuan, bahwa pengiriman 3 buah mesin offet telah kami terima dengan baik pada tanggal 17 Maret 2009.
Kemudian mulai tanggal 19 Maret 2009 mesin offset tersebut terus kami coba agar dapat berproduksi.
Kami atas nama seluruh direksi dan karyawan mengucapkan selamat dan penghargaan setinggi-tingginya kepada tuan dan para pembantu seluruhnya. Dalam waktu singkat kami akan menyampaikan kepada tuan l;aporan selengkapnya mengenai data-data pengijian tersebut.
Demikian sekali lagi kami ucapkan terima kasih.

Hormat kami

4. Bentuk lekuk (indented style), penulisan alamat pada surat tidak rata atau berbentuk seperti tangga, dan setiap alinea baru menjorok kedalam.
Format surat :

Bagian-bagian surat dari Bentuk Lekuk (Indented Style) :
1. Kop Surat
2. Tanggal dibuatnya surat
3. Nomor Surat
4. Lampiran/Hal
5. Hal/Lampiran
7. Salam Pembukaan
8a. Pendahuluan isi surat
8b. Penjelasan isi surat
8c. Penutup isi surat
9. Salam Penutup
10. Nama jabatan
11. Tanda Tangan
12. Nama yang mendatangani
13. Tembusan
14. Halaman lampiran surat/Inisial


                                                                                                                                           Surabaya, 9 Maret 2008
PT Taman Citra
     Jalan Cantel 112
Dengan hormat,
          Dengan sangat menyesal kami kabarkan kepada tuan bahwa pengiriman pupuk urea untuk pesanan tuan menjadi tertunda karena hal-hal yang di luar kekuasaan kami.
Sejak tanggal 5 Maret 2008 Surabaya hujan terus-menerus, dan beberapa tempat milai tergenang air.       
            Demikian juga tempat kami, sehingga disaat tergenang air kendaraan angkutan tidak masuk, pupuk-pupuk tidak dapat dikeluarkan dari gudang, ditambah lagi sebagian gudang kami tergenang air.
Atas perhatian saudara, terhadap hal tersebut di atas kami mengucapkan terima kasih.

Hormat kami                                                                                                                               
PT Anemeka Pupuk

 Suwarno Direktur

5. Bentuk menggantung (hanging paragraph), sebenarnya juga sama dengan surat bentuk lurus, perbedaannya hanya pada penukisan alamat dan alineanya. Setiap alinea ditulis rata kiri, sedang baris berikutnya menjorok kedalam.
Format surat :

Contoh Bentuk Surat Setengah Lurus
Surakarta, 21 Maret 2008
Kepada Perusahaan Mesin Offset
Jalan Imam Bonjol 115
Deengan hormat
Dengan gembira kami kabarkan kepada tuan, bahwa pengiriman 3 buah mesin offet telah kami terima dengan baik pada tanggal 17 Maret 2008.
Kemudian mulai tanggal 19 Maret 2008 mesin offset tersebut terus kami coba agar dapat berproduksi.
Kami atas nama seluruh direksi dan karyawan mengucapkan selamat dan penghargaan setinggi-tingginya kepada tuan dan para pembantu seluruhnya. Dalam waktu singkat kami akan menyampaikan kepada tuan l;aporan selengkapnya mengenai data-data pengijian tersebut.
Demikian sekali lagi kami ucapkan terima kasih.
Hormat kami
Penerbit ”TRI ANGKASA”
Lukman Hakim
Direksi Teknik

Selasa, 07 Februari 2017

Review Gitar Yamaha APX 500II

Kali ini saya akan mereview gitar baru saya yaitu YAMAHA APX 500II. Gitar ini merupakan gitar kesukaan saya karena suaranya yg benar-benar garing krenyes-krenyes gitu hhehe. Suara gitar saya sebelumnya yaitu Gilbert, Cort, Yamaha F310, Yamaha C lewat semua dengan gitar YAMAHA APX 500II... oke langsung saja review saya mengenai gitar ajaibb ini:

1.      Memiliki pilihan warna yang beragam.
2.      Size nya medium (pas di tangan saya)
3.      Jarak senar dan neck nya ga terlalu jauh
4.      Kisaran harga 2 jutaan, gitar ini yang terbaikkkkk
5.      Bisa menggunakan baterai ABC (ga perlu ke Indomaret kalo lagi perform abis, cukup ke warung)
6.      Ada buat nyetem nya di LCD gituu
7.      Colokan sound nya berada dibawah, berbeda dari jenis gitar lainnya
8.      Body nya lumayan tebel dan agak berat

Sekian review saya mengenai gitar YAMAHA APX 500II ini, buat kalian yang mencari gitar dengan budget 2jutaan, saya sarankan untuk membeli gitar jenis ini karena dijamin tidak akan menyesal !!! Wassalamu’alaikum Wr.Wb