A preposition is used
to link noun, pronouns and phrases to other words in a sentence. The word or
phrase that the preposition introduces is called the object of the preposition.
A preposition is used to indicate the temporal, spatial or logical relationship
of its object to the rest of the sentence. Here are some examples:
The pencil is ON the
The pencil is BENEATH
the desk.
The pencil is leaning
AGAINST the desk.
The pencil is on the
floor BESIDE the desk.
He held the pencil OVER
the desk.
He wrote with the
pencil DURING class.
You may have noticed
that in each of the preceding sentences, the preposition located the noun
"pencil" in space or in time.
Here are some general
rules regarding prepositions:
• It is permissible to
end a sentence with a preposition.
• A preposition is
followed by a noun.
• A preposition is
never followed by a verb.
• It is permissible to
begin a sentence with a preposition, or a prepositional phrase, but be very
careful when you do so.*
• A prepositional
phrase always begins with a preposition and ends with a noun or pronoun called
the OBJECT of the preposition.
• The subject of the
sentence can never be part of a prepositional phrase.
• A verb can never be a
part of a prepositional phrase.
There is a so-called
“rule” about never ending a sentence with a preposition and it comes from Latin
grammar. In Latin grammar, the word order of a sentence didn't matter; subjects
and verbs and direct objects could appear in any sequence. However, the
placement of prepositions was very important. A Latin sentence would quickly
become confusing if the preposition did not appear immediately before the
object of the preposition, so it became a stylistic rule for Latin writers to
have objects always and immediately following prepositions. This Latin grammar
"rule" meant that a sentence would never end with a preposition.
When English
grammarians in the 1500s and 1600s starting writing grammar books, they tended
to apply Latin rules to English, even though those rules had never been
applicable before. I believe that they wanted to make English a more scholarly
language, like Latin.
Here is a list of some
* This is a “rule” that
been questioned for many years. Many writers actually do start sentences with
prepositions and many college professors have no problems with it. The reason
for the “rule” was that a preposition usually indicates the temporal, spatial
or logical relationship of its object to the rest of the sentence. Therefore if
you start a sentence with a preposition it can appear that you are in the
middle of a sentence or thought. If you are careful however, you can start a
sentence with a prepostion. The problem is that most people are not careful.
Here is an example of a sentence that starts with a prepostition that works:
Before going to the store, I always check my list. Many people use prepositions
incorrectly at the beginning of a sentence, therefore, the “rule” came to be.
You can think of it as more of a “suggestion” than a rule. When you are writing
a paper for a school project, it is safer to use the rule.
There is a right way
and a wrong way to start a sentence with a preposition. Many authors and
writers start some of their sentences with prepositions and it works very well
for them. You simply have to be careful when starting a sentence with a
prepostion, that the sentence does not become fragmented as a reuslt.
Here is an example with
the preposition up.
Correct usage: We ran
up the hill.
Incorrect: Up the hill
we ran.
Here is an example with
the preposition over.
Correct: The rabbit
jumped over the log.
incorrect: Over the log
the rabbit jumped.
Here is an example with
the preposition aboard.
Correct: We got aboard
the train to ride down to San Diego.
Incorrect: Aboard the
train we got to ride down to San Diego.
Examples of
prepositions at the beginning of a sentence:
Despite the rain, we
still went jogging.
Barring any setbacks,
the quarterback will play in the next game.
In spite of all the
harm it causes, people still smoke cigarettes.
Remember that
prepositions are connecting words and are generally used to connect a noun or
pronoun to another word in a sentence.
Beware of the phrase
“in terms of” and do not use it. This phrase is a sloppy use of prepositions that
should be avoided. Strunk & White, in their book The Elements of Style
recommend that this phrase not be used used. They give this example: The job
was unattractive in terms of salary. Instead use: The salary made the job
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